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How we work & why clients choose us

We know you have business priorities and constraints. We know you don’t always start from a green field. We know your projects are critical to your success. That’s why we provide reliable, dependable insights and expertise that takes your business reality into account.

Our clients value dependable, verifiable UX research and advice they can trust beyond a shadow of doubt

Our work follows ISO 9241, IEC 62366, WCAG, and other internationally-defined standards, processes, and laws. Scientifically-validated methods ensure our research is bias-free, effective, to the point, and quick.

ISO 9241 Usability Engineering

The word “Usability” has been used and abused to mean different things to different people. For general software we work according to ISO 9241, the world standard on usability.

CIF ISO 25062 Reporting for Usability Tests

Our usability reports are standardized in the “Common Industry Format”. They are customized for each stakeholder, actionable from the first line, and importable in Jira.

IEC 62366 & IEC 60601-1-6 Medical Devices

Our experience with the development of software, hardware, and electronics allows us to smoothly support all three aspects of development for your medical device.

FDA Guidance on Human Factors & 

The US FDA requirements for medical devices are not the same as the EU. We keep both sets of requirements in mind when supporting the development of your medical device.

IEC 62304 Medical Device Software Lifecycle

The development of medical device software has strict lifecycle requirements. We take care to respect these requirements and integrate our work into your product development process.

ISO 14971 Medical Device Risk Management

Usability mistakes are an essential contributor to risk in medical devices. We help you to avoid and resolve usability problems, as well as to  estimate and manage residual risk.

ISO 9241-171 & WCAG Accessibility

Accessibility has become an essential requirement not only for users, but also from the legal point of view. We rely on ISO 9241-171 and WCAG to ensure your desktop software as well as your web apps and websites are accessible.

EN 301 549 Accessibility Standard

With 2025 on the horizon and uncomfortably close, it is crucial for your products to comply with the European Accessibility Act. To ensure a smooth and reliable compliance with the EAA, we base our recommendations and guidance on this harmonized standard.

Our clients value usability, UX and research expertise that holds up with their business-critical initiatives

Factorsixty is the partner they rely on to de-risk the development and launch of complex, mission-critical digital products and services. Here’s how we set you up for success at any step of your product cycle:


Cross-Industry expertise

We bring in broad domain expertise from across many industries and help you identify and implement successful approaches from other fields.


Research-informed design

With a wide array of scientifically-validated methods, we help you make product decisions that are always informed and on the right path.


Business priorities in sight

We listen to your business priorities, needs, and constraints. Then we design our work so that it best addresses user needs and business reality.


Early testing

We develop prototypes, mockups, wireframes, or Wizard of Oz studies and test your product before you write a single line of code.

Risk prevention & management

We use proven human factors methods to identify, analyze and minimize the potential for user errors, misunderstandings, and hazards.

Strategic capabilities

We partner with you to build internal capabilities, enabling autonomy and continued optimization after project completion.

Our clients value independence

Our clients stay with us not because they are forced to, but because we empower their teams and we equip their staff with the skills and infrastructure to drive their own success. We teach their developers to recognize and solve common UX problems. We help them define user-centered processes and infrastructure, so the team can address day-to-day issues internally. This allows us to partner on more strategic R&D as the product grows.

Our clients choose us

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